Monday, May 17, 2010

My baby isn't such a baby anymore :(

Connor was sitting in his high chair this afternoon snacking on some green beans, and I looked at his feet... and came to the realization that my baby isn't a baby anymore. He's a toddler. His feet were almost dangling over the foot rest on the high chair.
He is getting so big and changing every day. I found a picture taken almost exactly a year ago.
Look at the difference...

If you've been reading previous blogs... you'd know that Connor starting to crawl out of his crib a few weeks ago. At first we weren't sure what to do because we didn't have a toddler bed. First we just put him in a pack n play, because he couldn't crawl out of that. Then for a little over a week, we put him on a twin mattress on the floor, with a baby rail to keep him from rolling off. That was working pretty well, but I just hated the fact that he was right on the floor (spiders, bugs, etc... who knows what could be down there). So, we ended up getting him a toddler bed a few days ago. I had him in the room with me while I was setting it up, and at first he wouldn't even sit on it. He cried if I tried to put him near it. So I just sat by it and played with him in his room for a little while, until he got comfortable with it. He's slept in it the past 3 nights and so far he's done great. He's actually been sleeping a lot better lately too. Most of the time he sleeps through the night, and sometimes he only gets up once. I think he thinks he's not allowed to move from the bed, because when he wakes up in the morning, he'll either stay in the bed, or he'll crawl down and kneel on the bedside with his hands still on the bed (Aaron says that he's just saying his morning prayers) :)
this was today when he woke up from nap time
(an almost 3 hour nap... woo hoo... that's NEVER happened)...

Connor has a fascination with putting anything and everything in his mouth. He uses his teeth constantly to bite things (luckily not people... just things). If he sees ANYTHING with a lid, he takes it off with his teeth (that can include sippy cups that snap on, balmex containers, my Tums container, cereal puff containers, etc.) He even tries to bite things that WILL NOT come off. And then he gets so mad and frustrated, and starts crying because he can't get them off. At church, his favorite thing to do is try to bite off the button things that are on the pews, and also these decorative buttons on the couches in the foyer.

Well, he decided that the little knob on the refrigerator needed to come off... luckily it didn't, but that didn't stop him from trying.

(the button thing is above his nose... he couldn't even reach it with his mouth, AND he was standing on his tip toes)

Aaron was working in the bathroom today. We re-tiled our bathroom floor for only $20... go us! :) It looks so nice in there now. Aaron was in there with his tools and such, so of course Connor had to have his tools too. Good thing he has some, because at first he wanted Daddy's hammer.

I can't believe that my little monkey is going to be 16 months old in 4 days! TIME FLIES!!!

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