Monday, June 21, 2010

Yummy Yogurt

Let me just start off my saying that I HATE that you can't change the order of the pictures on blogger once you've loaded them (well, you can, but then they remain small and you can't click on them to enlarge them... well at least that's what I thought, unless someone knows something I don't know?!) So, these pictures are a bit out of order. So, we'll start with the bath...

Now, can anyone guess why Connor needed a bath (besides the obvious of just his daily thing)??
This is why...
Connor's been VERY independent lately, and wants to use a fork and spoon with EVERY meal, and he wants to feed himself. So, he'd already been pretty good and ate about 3/4 of his yogurt, so I let him finish the rest off on his own.
and don't you know that yogurt is meant to go in your hair, not your mouth...

and don't you know that fingers are so much better to use, rather than a spoon?

He was happy, so what did it hurt... right? :)

1 comment:

The Skousens said...

You can do it so that you can arrange them in whatever order after you uploaded them and you can still push on them to view them bigger...under "choose a layout" you choose "None." Then after you've uploaded them you can move them around, the only problem is that they aren't centered, but I don't care because I'd rather be able to push on them if you want to enlarge them!