Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cow says "Moo!"

Today I was at my mom's house, and Connor was flipping through pages of his animal book. There's about 25-30 different animals in there. He came to a page, and said what I thought was "Moo" (which of course he's never done before). Surprised, and not sure I heard him right, I said "Connor, what does a cow say?" and he said "Moooooooooo!!!" and laughed! He just learned what a dog says 2-3 days ago, but I had no idea he knew cow! And then I realized that he knew what a cow looked like too, because it was when he came to the cow in the book is when he said it. Just to see if that was correct, I shut the book and said "find me the cow" and he flipped through the pages, one by one, and stopped when he got to the cow page, giggled and said "Moooooo!!!"

I'm going to try to catch it on video tomorrow. He's so big and he's getting so smart!!! I can't believe my baby isn't a baby anymore!!

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