Monday, December 29, 2008

Pregnancy Update

Just a little update. I went to the doctor today for my 35 week check-up. Everything seems to be okay. Heard his heartbeat very strong. My blood pressure went down from 2 weeks ago, so that was good. Dr. said that he's head down, and I'm dialated 1 cm. :-) Only 9 more to go, lol. I've been in a LOT of pain lately (back, hips, & lower stomach), and he says it's just going to get worse. Ahh.. the joys of pregnancy.

1 comment:

The Skousens said...

Wow, it seems like it's gone by so fast...he really is going to be here in no time!!! You're lucky that you're even dialated already. My water had broke and I was going into labor and I was barely at a 1 1/2 lol!