Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Almost every year for New Years, we do the same things.... eat pizza, eat junk food, play board games, stay up til midnight, and toast off the New Year with our own bottle of Martinelli's. This year was very similar to the rest of them, except for my wonderful Braxton-Hicks contractions. They lasted for about an hour (the longest I've had them so far) and they were not fun. Can't wait for real labor... woo hoo! :-)
Started off the evening making homemade pizzas

Here's the BBQ Chicken Pizza all done... yummy!!!

I look a little sleepy. I usually go to bed around 10-11pm.... midnight seemed so much later. Of course once 2009 hit, I couldn't sleep, and was up til about 3:30am. Fun stuff...

Everyone had lots of fun.


Taylor said...

ok...that pizza looks amazing! haha. i LOVE bbq chicken pizza! it looks like you guys had fun...our family pretty much did the same thing! :o) Happy 2009!!

Taylor said...

oh...and your header with the page is cute! :o)