Saturday, September 22, 2012


We kept putting off taking Connor to the dentist, since we've been waiting for open enrollment at Aaron's work, so we can add him on. When we first got his dental insurance, Connor was only 9-10 months and we figured there was no need to pay for nothing. But since he's 3.5 and has never been, I figured we'd better go!

I had been talking to him for about a week, telling him where we were going. He was fine at first, and then 2 days before we went, he started crying and whining about it, saying that he just wanted to brush his teeth at home. The day before we went, I took him to Target to pick out a small toy and said that he would be able to open it if he was a good boy at the dentist. All that day he was still whining about the dentist, but talking about his new plane.

We got there and he'd fallen asleep on the way, so I was a little stressed that he'd be moody. But lucky enough, he did awesome! He talked to the hygienist, listened to and followed direction, and got his teeth cleaned and polished. He even impressed her when she pulled out the floss and he told her what that was for! :) He has no cavities and he only had a small bit of plaque on 2 teeth!

Yay for great brushing!

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