Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Not a very happy New Year...

Aaron had to work on New Years Eve, but he luckily got off at 8:45. That way he could come home and join in the festivities... or so we thought!

We were at my sisters house for New Years Eve. We had delicious homemade pizza & lots of other goodies. We were having fun playing games and enjoying each other's company. Connor was getting tired and I knew that he wouldn't make it til midnight, so I decided to put him to bed. It's usually just Connor and me at bedtime (Aaron works every night) and during our nightly routine, we always say a bedtime prayer. A while back when he actually realized what we were doing would start saying a few things here and there... and I would always say "and please help Daddy to be able to get home safely..." Now, as soon as I start our prayer, Connor says "and Daddy!" So of course we said an extra special prayer for Daddy that night, knowing that he'd be driving home with a lot of drunk drivers. We asked that he would be safe.

As I come out of the room after laying Connor in his bed, my Dad is on the phone and from the look on his face, I knew something was wrong.

On Aaron's way home from work, he drives through a pretty dark pass, where there are only 2 lanes. Usually there are only a few cars on the road, and he's never had a problem. But on this night, as he was turning around a bend, a car was coming at him straight on, in his lane. To aviod a head on collision, Aaron swerved to the right where there was some dirt/grass area. He breaked, and skidded a bit, hitting some very large boulders. The boulders threw the car into the air and to the left about 4-5 feet, landing on some more boulders, which luckily stopped him from crashing into a brick wall. The other driver (we're assuming was drunk) just kept on driving.

Our car has seen better days. The front bumper is severely dented/damaged, the front tire was blown, the muffler was ripped off the car, the oil pan was damaged, & a few more things that we're still not sure of. But... Aaron walked away from it all without a scratch or bruise on his body. Even though our car is dead, we are counting our blessings that Aaron is not. I'm sure that if he hit the other car or he hit the wall, he wouldn't be with us anymore. I am SO thankful that Heavenly Father was protecting him that night.

Next time... Connor and I need to ask that Daddy AND Daddy's car are safe! :)


Stephanie said...

I'm grateful your husband is safe. Wow that is a story for the record books.

*Lauren* said...

Dang!!! Yikes! Great that he's ok. You're doing a great job teaching Connor to pray! Hopefully insurance will help...