Saturday, February 21, 2009

1 Month Old

Connor will be 1 month old tomorrow. He's getting so big. He has his doctors appointment next Friday, so we'll get to see how much he's grown. I'm sure he's at least 9 lbs. now. I look at him and still think he's so tiny. But compared to when he came home from the hospital, at barley over 6 lbs.... he's huge! I realize most often that he's changed by how he fits in his cloths. When he was first born, he was wearing preemie clothes. Then he wore newborn clothes for a couple of weeks, and he JUST started fitting into 0-3 months clothes. They don't fall off of him anymore! :-) He's still a very good baby. He's been a little collicy lately, but nothing major. His jaundice is just about gone. He's still a little bit yellow, but he's definatly better. He's holding his head up so well. He will lay on his stomach and bring his head up and look around for a long time before setting it back down. He's even trying to pull himself up when he's on his back. Not that he's anywhere close to rolling over, but he's definatly working on it. When he's on his back, he moves his legs back and forth like crazy, and he even makes us nervous to lay him on the couch by himself. My mom says that he reminds her of my brother. He was rolling over at 10 weeks, sitting up and crawling at 4-5 months, pulling himself up to standing position at 6 months, and walking by 9 months. I'm thinking that's what I've got to look forward to, lol :-)

Some 1 month old pictures....
(the guitar one's are for Grandpa Robert and Grandma Denice)

1 comment:

The Skousens said...

Cute!!! Isn't it amazing how fast they grow up?! I can't believe that he's already a month! Matti turned over at 9 1/2 weeks!