Monday, February 16, 2009

3 Weeks Old

I can't believe how big Connor is getting. He's going to be a month before we know it, and then he's going to be a year.... so on and so forth. We love having him in our lives. He's such a funny little boy, and the things that he does each day amazes us. He's getting so strong, I'm already afraid to leave him on the couch, scared that he might roll off of it. He's not rolling over yet, but he sure moves around a LOT and one day he's going to surprise us all! He's more alert and awake now. He loves just looking around and watching everything and everyone. He's still such a good baby. Hardly ever cries or fusses. Only sometimes when he's hungry, and EVERY diaper change and bath. He HATES being naked, but loves being clothed and warm. Here are some pictures of 3 week old Connor :-)

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