Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Connor lives and breathes music. All day long he is singing or dancing or playing an "instrument." Instead of building towers, houses, etc. with blocks... he builds a piano and plays it, or uses toys as trumpets, flutes, etc.

I wanted to get him into piano lessons, but at this time, we don't really have the $100 a month for lessons. I teach lessons, but I only teach through the "normal" method, not Suzuki (playing by ear), and I think he's a bit young for the normal way of playing (since he doesn't read or even know his letters yet). BUT... I did find a toddler dance class that I enrolled him in, which starts in August, so hopefully he'll really enjoy that :)

I just wanted to write a few of the things he knows here for "journal keeping" purposes. From looking at a picture, he can point out/name a piano, harp (sometimes known as a "tickle" lol), flute, trumpet, clarinet, drums, trombone, violin (he calls a guitar a violin too), and tuba. From listening to them, he can pick out a piano, trumpet and drums :)

Anyone local know of any inexpensive music lessons/classes??

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