Monday, February 14, 2011

How dare I!

In a previous blog, I mentioned that Connor now decides when he's tired, and he'll just go to sleep. It doesn't matter where we're at, if he's tired... he sleeps. This has NEVER been something that Connor does. I always wished that he'd do this, but he was the kind of baby that HAD to be nursed to sleep or he had to be in his crib/bed. He didn't have a nap today, and around 5:30pm he came in and told me he wanted to go night-night. I said that it was a little early, and we could go to bed in about an hour... and to go play with his toys. (*if he went to bed at 5:30, he wouldn't just sleep for his normal amount of hours, but get up early... he would sleep for an hour or two, and then wake up and REFUSE to go back to sleep*) So he went back into the living room for about 15 minutes, and then came back and asked again. Then he laid down on the floor in my room next to me (I was cleaning/doing laundry) and soon enough, this is what happened...

So by then it's 6, and I figured I'd just let him sleep. So I pick him up and he wakes up a little, so I told him he had to go pee before he went to bed. So he peed first, and then I took him to his bed. He's in a daze/half asleep this whole time. I put the covers over him and start to walk out... and he suddenly starts yelling at me. I couldn't understand what he was saying though (his paci was in his mouth). He just kept saying it over and over. Finally, I take his paci out and ask him again and he says "AMEN!" and I then realize that his arms are folded too! Because he was pretty much asleep (or so I thought), I didn't said our nighttime prayer... and he was NOT going to have that! So we said our prayer, I kissed him goodnight and then he said "bye mommy!" :)