Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Little Mess

A few days ago, Connor and I decided to make some Cranberry Muffins. He LOVES helping me cook... and I usually let him have some baby oatmeal and water to mix, so he thinks he's doing something too. That way, he can also eat the "dough" :) I finished my batter and put the muffins into the oven. He was mixing so nicely that I decided to leave for a few minutes to go check my e-mail. After only 1-2 minutes, I went back to check on him and found this...

and an empty container of baking soda (which WAS full before I left)

Of course I think this is funny, and take these pictures, and I figure he can't do much more damage, so I'll go upload these pictures while he's mixing his dough (oh, and he asked for more water, which I thought would be pretty harmless)

As I'm loading the previous pictures, I here him laughing... followed by some weird noises and more laughing. I come back out to the dining room and find him "sweeping" his mess...

My guess is that while he was mixing, a little "dough" flew, and it was just too funny to not have all of it fly...

If you can see behind him, it reached my dishwasher and wall, which were about 5-6 feet away from him...

That'll teach me never to leave the room to check my e-mail!

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