Saturday, October 2, 2010


We (my mom, me, sisters, etc.) often discus about how Connor has/might have OCD. I don't know if he actually does or not (my grandma has it, and it is genetic), but if he doesn't, he has some major detail/order issues! There's a lot of things that he does (to name just a few 1. when there are two lights in a room, but only one of them is on... he will cry and say "on... on... on..." until you turn the other one one 2. when we're out shopping and something is not right (spill on the floor, something off the shelf, etc.) he will say "uh oh" over and over until I fix it, or let him fix/clean it 3. he hates to be dirty and will cry until I clean his hands of food, dirt, sand, etc.) but one of the main things is that EVERYTHING has to be in a straight line. If there's a pile of something, or things in a wacky order, he has to fix it. He puts anything and everything into a line. Sometimes he can't do it, and he gets really frustrated because it's not perfect. So sometimes I help the line so that he doesn't start crying. But here are some of the things he did all on his own... I find stuff like this all over the house, all the time...

(if you can't tell, these are Del Taco hot sauce packets, juice bottles, DVD/videos & his train/bus/truck... he's also been known to line up my mom candles (she has 15+ of them), cups and/or bowls, his blankets, shoes, etc.)

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