Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Connor's discovered some new foods that he likes :) I don't normally give him junk food. He usually gets fruits and veggies with each meal... and then usually a meat of some sort (he LOVES meatloaf). He also loves yogurt and is just starting to like cheese. All in all, he's a VERY good eater, and I'm so happy about that. I hate it when Mom's say "all my kid will eat is chicken nuggets, pizza, french fries, etc." Because if you give your kids the right foods, they'll eat them. Don't give them junk food and they won't eat only junk food... ya know? Well, at least that's my opinion. But... back to Connor. Like I said, he doesn't normally eat junk, but he hasn't been feeling great this week (he had a double ear infection) and he wasn't eating ANYTHING. He wouldn't even eat yogurt, which is his FAVORITE. I went to Walmart and we walked by the bakery section and he saw a donut. He doesn't even know what that is, but of course he starts leaning to grab one, so I thought, why not? It won't kill him. Well, I knew it'd be messy, so we waited til he got home, and he LOVED it....

I've never seen him scarf something down so fast. It was chocolate covered with sprinkles... yummy!!! :)

He's also teething right now, and I read somewhere to give them frozen bagels to soothe the pain. Well, I found frozen big pretzels, and I figured that would have the same affect...
He did not like them too much... he took one bite and threw it on the floor, lol.

Tonight I wasn't feeling like making dinner, so we opted for pizza :) I don't normally splurge like that, but because Dominos is "reinventing" themselves... they have large one topping pizzas for carryout for only $5.99 and I figured you, can't beat that!! :) I gave Connor the crust to eat (and no.... he just didn't have crust for dinner. He'd already had a banana, green beans, and pasta earlier) Well, he took one bite and ate it... but then saw my Ranch I had, and decided that he wanted to dip his crust too. Of course he then started just dipping and sucking the Ranch off the crust. But it was very cute, and definatly picture worthy :)

I look at these pictures and all I can think about is the fact that my baby is turning into a little BOY!! Time flew, and he's growing up so fast. He's almost 15 months old. Where did my baby go?!? He's such a good little boy too. I know I complain a lot. I feel like that's all I've been doing lately. I think it's just that I've been really stressed the past couple of months. For starters... Connor is constantly sick.. we've been to the ER and Urgent Care several times just in the past 4 months. Swine Flu, Peanut Allergy, Croupe, double ear infection, rash all over his body, etc. Plus then Aaron had his hernia surgery which came all of a sudden... and threw me off balance. He went into an appointment last Friday to talk with surgeon and to pick an opperation date (which we thought would be in a month or two) and they said "we want you to come in Monday morning at 6:30am." Luckily Aaron's boss at work said it was ok and that he'll have his job still in 4-6 weeks (recovery time). I'm just really hoping that it holds true.
But I'm really trying to look for the positive and stop the negativity and complaining. Connor can be a major handful at times, but most of the time he's an absolute JOY.

Some of the things that Connor enjoys to do:
- playing the piano with Mommy or Daddy
- Go to grandma and grandpa's house
- visiting cousin Ollie (Katie's dog, Oliver)... when we go to Katie's house and Connor see's him, he says "HI OLLIE" very loudly :)
- helping Mommy out with the laundry... whether it's helping to fold, or put clothes into the wash or dryer
- talking to Auntie Ya-Ya (my sister, Bethany) on Skype (because she's in Russia til the end of May)
- talking to my Mom on Skype... yes, she lives 10 minutes away... but he's OBSESSED with calling anyone. He will go to the computer and whine until I call her, lol
- coloring (on paper and on himself... I perfer the first)
- going on walks in the stroller
- taking medicine (he spits out his pacifier and opens his mouth ANY time he sees his tylenol bottle or a syringe of any kind, lol)
- sitting on the potty like a big boy (he actually went pee and poop one time) :)

Some of the things that Connor hates to do:
- going shopping
- sitting in his carseat
- getting his diaper changed and getting dressed and/or undressed. The only thing he likes about it is crawling away from us and laughing as he does so

Some words that Connor says:
hi, Ollie (my sisters dog), night-night, bye-bye, wow, no, ow, yucky, nice, oh no, doggy, pen, Mama, Dada, NingNing (which he calls my mom), Ya-Ya (which he calls my sister, Bethany)

Some facts about Connor:
- he's exactly half the height of his Auntie Kate and Auntie Ya-Ya
- he still isn't sleeping through the night... he's up anywhere from 1-3 times
- even though he CAN walk... he would rather crawl. He crawls 90% of the time, instead of walking
- if he wears disposible diapers, he fits into 12 month pants, because he's so skinny in his waist. BUT... he wears cloth diapers (because he's allergic to disposible) so he can sorta fit into 18 month pants. But they are pretty big on him.
- he LOVES my dad. He always gets a big smile on his face when he sees him and will give him a hug and kiss
- speaking of kisses... he doesn't like to kiss people, and you should feel VERY lucky if you get one. If you ask him for a kiss, he will either 1. ignore you 2. go in for a kiss and then move away and fake you out or 3. kiss something OTHER than you... and that could be anything from his toys, to his sippy cup or food, to the wall lol... I don't know why that is :)
- he likes going to the doctors. He will smile and laugh and flirt with anyone he sees. And this last time we went, the doctor had him lay on the bed to examine him and he just sat there, perfect and smiling, while he checked his ears, nose, throat, breathing in front and back, his stomach, and his legs/feet. He was also fine with getting his temperature taken and having that little oxygen test thingy on his finger. I guess he's totally over his stranger anxiety issues.

Well, I'm sure there's TONS of other things I can say about my beautiful baby boy... but that's all for now. I just wanted to make sure I got some of these down, before I forget. I've heard that there are websites that can print your blog into a book, and some day I'm going to have that done... and I would love to have all the fun facts of him growing up :)

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