Monday, March 15, 2010

No More Peanut's for Connor!!!

So who knew that something so small would create something so big???
Aaron had some Whoppers (like the picture below) and I decided to give Connor one. The doctor's said to wait until he was one to introduce nuts, so I thought I was okay (he's almost 14 months old now). I had even given him some almond butter last month, and he hadn't had a problem. So I figured peanut butter would be fine too. I was wrong...
This was the outcome...
(sorry for the horrible pictures, I only had my camera phone with me)

Within 30-45 seconds from eating the candy, his eyes started getting red. Then his mouth, cheeks, neck, etc. started getting red and puffy. And then he started getting blistery hives all over his face and neck. So of course Aaron and I rush him to Urgent Care and he's seen right away (sorry to all those who were ahead of me... but this was an emergency)... then it started getting worse and his eyes got all swollen, and hives started spreading to where his hair is. My poor little baby... and he was so good. He just sat there taking it all in, not even crying. All he kept doing was trying to rub/scratch at his eyes. Luckily after the meds, it started going down. After waiting about an hour to make sure he was still ok, we were sent home with strict rules...

1 comment:

The Skousens said...

Oh goodness, what a scary experience...that is going to be a hard food allergy. Glad to hear that he is doing better. Do you have to carry one of those Epi pens now? Matti's doctor said no peanuts or any other nuts until 2 yrs old...the few times she's had it she gets red dots around her lips, so I hope that's not a sign of an allergy!