Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The ABCs of Me!

A- Attached or single:
Attached to my wonderful husband, Aaron :)

B- Best friend:
My sisters, my mom, and my husband

C- Cake or pie:
Homemade carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. I had it for my birthday cake this year! :)

D- Day of choice:
Sunday. I get to go to church and then have dinner with all my family

E- Essential item:
My camera... I NEVER go anywhere without it

F- Favorite color:

G- Gummi bears or worms:
sour worms... so yummy!

H- Hometown:
Glendora, CA

I- Indulgence(s):
Chocolate Lava Cake... enough said!

J- January or July:
January of course... we get to celebrate all our birthdays in January... the 5th, 22nd & 31st :)

K- Kids:
My wonderful and beautiful 14 month old, Connor James

L- Life is incomplete without:

M- Marriage date:
May 3, 2008

N- Number of siblings:
BJ, Katie, Bethany (actually brother and sisters) & then Kimmy, Nathan, Paul, Kris, Kelly & Dylan (in-laws)

(in order... Kris, Dylan, Paul, Aaron, Me, Bethany, Katie, Nathan, Kimmy, BJ... Kelly's the only one missing)

O- Oranges or apples:
Arnott Oranges :)

P- Phobias or fears:
hmmm... I guess just a plain fear that something might happen to Connor

Q- Quote(s):

R- Reasons to smile:
This face... how could you not smile!?!?!

S- Season:
winter... I LOVE the snow, and I really wish it would snow more where I live

U- Unknown fact about me:
I'm pretty much an open book... if you wanna know something about me, just ask. But I guess I'd just have to say that a lot of people don't know that I play the piano. I guess it's because I don't share that information often ;-)

V- Vegetarian or oppressor of animals:
Chicken and Steak are my best friends :) :) :)

W- Worst habit:
Letting the house get messy because Connor's faster at making a mess than I am at cleaning it. He unfolds as I fold, he throws as I pick up... it' never ending. But I do LOVE a clean house. It makes me SOOO happy. But sometimes, it's just not worth the stress. And here is an example of my little mischievous one.... and the mess all around him (don't worry... it doesn't always look like this) :)

X- X-rays or ultrasounds:
I loved watching the 3d/4d ultrasound of my beautiful boy inside me. It made the pregnancy bearable for 30 minutes

Y- Your favorite food:
Chinese food! I could eat it for breakfast, lunch & dinner.

Z- Zodiac:
SO, now I'm curious to see who actually takes the time to read it all! :) And even if you weren't tagged, please feel free to fill it out also :)

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