Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I've been testing out my manual settings on my camera lately. I've been way too chicken up until now to do anything other than automatic. But I realize that the pictures are 100% better when you know how to do your own settings. So that's what I've been working on. Of course Connor is ALWAYS my main subject. I LOVE this picture, because it's VERY VERY rare that he looks directly into the camera, and I actually caught it this time! We were taking pictures out in the backyard because the grass is REALLY long, and I thought it would be a good setting. He HATES the grass though, so he was refusing to smile. And then the sun started going down, and it got too late to do any more pictures.. but at least I got one! I wanted a couple of him standing in the grass, but hopefully we'll catch those ones some time this week, before Aaron mows the lawn :)

P.S. I LOVE his eyes... you can see the beautiful night sky in them :)

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