Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Connor's first dance class

Connor LOVES music and dancing... so when I found out that boys ballet was free at a studio here in Beaumont, we decided to give it a try. The teacher said that when he's about 5 years old, they have hip hop and a few other dance classes too... but I figured ballet would be fun for him to dance and learn a few things.

Here's him on his first day before class

His first class

The class I put him in is for 2.5-4 year old's. There were 3 other kids besides him, all of which were girls and well over 3 years and I think they'd all taken the class before. Connor was a bit hyper and excited to be there, which in turn was him not listening as well as the older girls. I could tell that right away the teacher was getting frustrated because he wasn't doing everything he was supposed to be doing (of course he's not going to be perfect... he didn't know half of what she was even asking them to do because he had NEVER done it before!). Not even half-way through the class, the teacher (and owner of the studio) pretty much said that she'd rather him not be in the class, that he was a little too young for it and that she'd rather him try the 'Mommy and Me' class (even though they don't currently have that class... he has to be put on a waiting list until they get enough people to form a class). So, we left the class with Connor sobbing hysterically because he wanted to "dance with his friends and not go home!" :( I was just so disappointed in the whole situation. I'm sorry, but EVERY 2.5 year old would have been acting the SAME way that he was acting. The 3 other mom's that were there even said "he's actually doing so good for only being 2 and a half. Don't worry, he's fine!" I don't understand why the teacher would make a class for a certain age group, and then tell you that he's too young for the class. Ridiculous! :(

1 comment:

Anthony and Erin Mills said...

That is pretty dang ridiculous! I would've been furious! Find a page to review them and rage! That's what I would do