Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

This year was Connor's First Thanksgiving. I LOVE Thanksgiving. Family, food, games, and just lots and lots of fun!!! We were lucky enough for Aaron's mom, step-dad, & step-brother from Arizona to come visit for a few days. We hadn't seen them in about 6 months, so it was fun to see Connor get to know them again :-) This year for the holiday, we all went over to my sister, Katie and her husband, Nathan's house for the day. There were so many people there, so we had to have 2 turkeys, one of which I made (the first time I'd done that by myself). I love Thanksgiving because all the family just spends the whole day together, eating and playing board games, and I just LOVE that. Family is so important to me, and to have both sides of the family together was an awesome experience. I love that Aaron's parents and my family get along so well, like we were all family before Aaron and I met :-) :-)

Connor and Grandma D

Three Generations... there are 4 generations, and I would LOVE if we could all be together some time to take a picture :-) Sadly, everyone is in different states

with Grandpa & Grandma

Uncle Dylan :-)

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