Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My baby is already half of a year old!!!!!

Aaron and I tried out for the Newlywed Gameshow yesterday. It was lots of fun. We drove down to LA to do so, and we had our audition. I have no idea how it went, because they have call backs in the end of August, so we'll basically find out then. Wish us luck!!
I can't believe that Connor is already 6 months old. Actually, this blog is a little late, because he'll be 7 months in about 10 days, lol... but these are all his 6 month pictures. We end in for his 6 month appointment a week ago though, and he's 27 inches and in the 75th percentile for height, and he's 18 lbs. 6 oz. and in the 70th percentile for weight. He's sitting up VERY well now. The doctor was very surprised at how well he sits up, and for how long he sits up. He'll sit up for over and hour, playing with his toys and stuff. Connor got a cold about 3-4 weeks ago, and going from sleeping through the night for about 10-12 hours.... he went to sleeping only about 8-9 hours at night, and waking up about 3-5 times. He also used to sleep on his stomach, but can roll over to his back now, and so he'll do that in his sleep. But, within the past week, he started sleeping through the night again. So lets hope that continues. The other good thing is that he'll fall asleep on his own at night now. I used to nurse him to sleep, but now I nurse him until he's done, and then lay him in his crib. As long as he's got his paci, softies, and musical seahorse... he'll lay there for 5-30 minutes talking, and then fall asleep on his own.
He moves so much at night, and here he's smashed up against the side of the crib, laying crooked. Aaron says I sleep the same way :-)

Connor LOVES taking baths. He got to big for his baby bath, so he was in the big bath with the baby bath sling. But he was kicking so much that he would slide off the sling. So we moved into his big boy bath, which he loves. He spashes and chews on his duckies!

Connor LOVES sitting up. He'll just sit and play forever
Crazy face!!
He's finally growing some hair. Look how much he's got now!!

Connor went swimming for the first time this month, and he LOVES the pool. He has a turtle sit in floatie, but also a lifevest floatie... but loves to be held in the pool too. Here's daddy and Connor

Mommy & Connor

drying off after a swim...

Connor just started trying to talk, and he says "dada" all the time. He'll even repeat it when we say it to him. Aaron loves this, of course. Especially since the past couple of weeks, Connor has been a real momma's boy. Every time I leave his eyesight, he starts crying. Doesn't want anyone else holding him either. But he sure loves his daddy :-)

This month he's started using a sippy cup, and loves drinking water out of it. He even tries to hold it on his own.

Connor loves all of his toys, but he's just as entertained with household objects...
hangers, cup lids, boxes, etc....

and he's just started getting upset when we take things away from him...

he's started stretching for things out of reach...
He LOVES doing the laundry with Mommy or Daddy...

And here's a video of him. I know this isn't probably the smartest thing to do, and to teach your kid that it's funny, but I just couldn't resist...

1 comment:

The Skousens said...

Good luck with the gameshow...that will be exciting if you guys get called back!!! He's growing up so fast! He's such a cutie, I love all of the pictures...the one of his sad face is priceless! He's the exact same size Mattison was at 6 months, except he's 3/4 of an inch taller!