Monday, August 24, 2009

7 Months Old

Connor just turned 7 Months Old on Saturday. He's getting to big so big, and he's just got the cutest personality ever. He's started sleeping through the night again. Sleeps from about 9pm til 7am or so... sometimes longer. I laugh every time to check on him, in the weird ways that he's fallen asleep. He usually starts off on his stomach, and ends up something like this...

He's just started making this funny face when he laughs, where he scruntches up his nose, where often he even snorts. Something similar to this face. He's all gums too, doesn't have any teeth yet. We keep thinking that somethings coming soon, but who knows.

He LOVES to eat baby food. I haven't found anything that he doesn't like. He loves sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, squash, carrots, applesauce, peaches, pears, prunes, bananas... etc.
He loves when food drops onto his high chair, because he "fingerpaints" with it all over his tray

He loves going outside with daddy to work on the yard.
At Aaron's job, he's always getting tips. Sometimes it money... but he's also got homemade strawberry jam, and this plant holder. It's so big, Connor fits into it.

I guess that's it for this month... we love our little boy, who's not so little anymore.


The Skousens said...

Wow, I can't believe that he is 7 months old!! Have you still been making your own baby food? What a cutie he is...I love the pictures of him doing yardwork with his dad!

The Montoya Three said...

Yeah, I'm still making his baby food. He LOVES it. He'll eat anything. The other day, I went somewhere and gave him some from a jar while we're out, and he didn't like it that much. He totally prefers the homemade stuff :-)