Monday, June 1, 2009

Four Months Old

Connor is FOUR months old (on May 22nd)... can you believe it? I sure can't. He's 1/3 of a way to a year old. WOW!! He's getting so big every day, and he's a delight to have in our lives. We went to the doctor's this morning, and it was a great visit, besides the shots. He was happy, smiling and laughing at the nurses and doctor... until the nurse gave him his shots. Then he was very mad about being there, and has been pretty cranky up until about 30 minutes ago. Now he's laying on his play mat as we speak, squealing in delight :-)

Connor is 15 lbs. 13 oz. (in the 50th percentile for weight) and 25 1/2 inches long (in the 75th percentile for height). I can't believe he's grown 6 inches since he was born. Imagine if you grew 6 inches in 4 months?! Ouch!

Well the doctor said that he's a perfectly healthy and normal baby. She was surprised at how strong he is, especially holding his head up so well and trying to sit on his own. She also put him onto his stomach and he lifted his head completely up, turning to look at her, and then tried to crawl/wiggle/scoot a little forward, which he does at home all the time.

Well, I guess that's it for now... here are some 3 1/2 month pictures. I realize that we get his pictures taken quite often :-) I try to only go once a month, but I always seem to have them done more than that. This time was because there was a new photographer at work, and she needed practice with something other than a stuffed animal, so I had her take Connor's pictures :-) She kept saying over and over that babies hate her, and that they never smile, and she knew that he wouldn't smile for her... obviously she was wrong...

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