Monday, June 22, 2009

Five Months...

1. Taking baths... in sinks or tubs... he loves them all. In the big bath tub, he will lay down on the stretch netting thing, and he lays in the tub for as long as I'll let him. He loves kicking and splashing his legs.

2. Chewing on his hands. He's teething right now, and they are in his mouth 90% of the day. He's drooling a LOT, and goes through at least 5 bibs a day.

3. Sitting up in his high chair. He tried some food, but didn't love it, so we're gonna wait another month. But he loves sitting in his highchair. He'll just sit in there and play with his toys, and talk to me while I'm making dinner.

4. Reading books. He loves being read to. He LOVES colorful books. He'll read each of them a couple of times too.

5. Standing up. He loves to stand while you're holding him. He hates laying down. He also likes to stand up holding onto something. Here he's watching TV while standing up :-)

1 comment:

The Skousens said...

I can't believe that he's already 5 months old...that day we went to Legends and you were still pregnant and Mattison was just a newborn seems like just yesterday, where does the time go?