Friday, August 20, 2010

Knotts Berry Farm

I know I can get all these images in order, but I have been having so much trouble with uploading pictures to this post, and everything else in between... they are just going to stay where they are. Soooo... they are a little out of order, but who cares... right?! :)

My mom, my sisters Bethany and Katie, Katie's sister-in-law Hannah, Katie's brother-in-law Matthew, Aaron, Connor & I went to Knotts Berry Farm last week. It was SOO much fun (minus the over 100 degree weather). This was Matthew, Hannah, Aaron & Connor's first time going there. This was Connor's first real amusement park too! I was a little worried at how Connor would do, but he was absolutely amazing. We were basically there all day long (from 10am til 9pm)... and I did not hear a single cry out of him the whole day! He also only had one 30 minute nap (in the stroller) too! He LOVES people and being outside and just observing life! But like I said, there was the only negative of being over 100 degrees. It was REALLY hot!!! But Connor kept his hat on, and would even let me put sun screen on without complaint! And I just kept food and liquids in him all day long. Only drawback to the liquids was that he was a peeing machine and went through about 4 outfits because he filled and leaked through his diapers (and I even put him in disposibles because they can hold more and he never leaks in them, compared to cloth). But that's ok... we managed.

Connor loved going on the rides. His Aunty Ya-Ya was the first one who took him on some rides while the rest of us went on some roller coasters. So of course I don't have any pictures of those. But I did find out that Connor is afraid of heights. She said that he freaked out on the rides that went high... but was fine on the ones that stayed on the ground. He's just like his Mommy! :)

Here he is with his Auntie Kate... (as you can see, this is a kid ride... but it zooms around those corners.... look at Katie's hair!)

He kept pointing at the car, wanting to go on it... wasn't too happy standing in line! Luckily, it wasn't very busy, and the most we stood in line for a kid ride was 5 minutes, and the most for an adult ride was 20 minutes :)

Having a little snack (peaches) while I had some funnel cake, lol :) He had a little funnel cake too

yummy peach hands!

Funnel cake... yummy! :)

Beth and her funnel cake

At first when he got on this ride, he had this little pouty lip and looked like he was about to burst into tears...

but then he realized how oh so fun it would be to honk the horn, and was all smiles...

and didn't want to get off the ride...

I love his sweet little face :)

He was such a good boy...

Hannah & her chicken :)

I think this is our only family picture from the day. Here we are on the train. Connor LOVED the train.

checking everything out...

looking out the window as the train flew by (ok.. not really flew... more like crawled)

LOVE this one

Hannah, Bethany & I did NOT coordinate what we were wearing... yet we all matched so nicely :)

this is what happens when you own your own business and you try to have fun... (this is Katie's husbands brother, Matthew)

Hannah & Matt (Katie's in-laws) at the all-you-can-eat BBQ buffet :)

Kate & Boo

Connor basically wanted ONLY watermelon for lunch... luckily I sneaked some other foods into him. But here he is with his beloved fruit! :)

My Favortie one! :)

After the park, we went to Pinks hotdogs for dinner (so yummy!).

All in all, we had a great time... and now, more than ever, I want to go to Disneyland! Tax return time can't come fast enough! :)

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