Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our Arizona Trip

Aarons parents (Dad & Stepmom and Mom & Stepdad) all live in Arizona, about an hour from each other, so we decided to make a trip out there, so Connor could see his 4 grandparents again. We hadn't been there since Connor was 4 months old (which is when we had our car stolen, and I was a little worried to go back). We had fun visiting and seeing Connor bond with everyone. He's had major stranger anxiety the past 6 or so months, but within the past 2-3 weeks (since he turned 1) it's been getting a lot better. So I was really hoping that he'd be okay with everyone, especially since he hadn't seen the one set of grandparents since he was 4 months (the other ones have come to CA a couple of times, and I know he remembers them). But he was GREAT. He was such a happy baby while we were there (so not like him, lol) and he was just melting everyone's hearts!! :-)

Aaron's dad and step-mom have about 10 or so chickens, and Connor LOVED them. I sat him down on the ground and he was pointing to them, while talking to them, like he was teaching them a lecture!

At Aaron's Mom and Stepdad's place, they have a volleyball court in the common area in their apartments, and Connor LOVED the sand. It was a monster sandbox for him. He's never really played in sand, but he had a blast and I'm even getting him a sandbox at home soon, because I saw how much he loved it. I thought he'd eat the sand, which he did put a little in his mouth at first, but then realized it didn't taste too good, and never did it again.

Connor has been such a daddy's boy recently, and just LOVES to give Daddy hugs whenever he sees him :-)

We had lots of fun in Arizona & hope to go back soon!

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