Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sick baby boy

I'm exhausted. Aaron's exhausted. Connor's exhausted!

Connor is teething (one tooth is through, and the other is just about through) and he's got a MAJOR cold. The worst one he's had so far. He's just plain miserable. He won't eat, he won't sleep... he wants to be held until I pick him up, and then he wants down. As soon as I put him down, it starts over again. Nothing makes him happy. Because of the cold, he can't breathe very well, so every 2 hours he wakes up at in a panic. In all of this though, the good thing is his bedtime has moved up. He was going to bed between 9 and 10pm. And now he's so tired he goes to bed about 8 or 8:30. I feel so bad for him, but there's nothing I can do :-(

Well, on to a good note...

Some facts about Connor when he's not sick or in a bad mood: :-)
~ he's learning to walk along furniture and while pushing his toy that moves. He LOVES that he can do that. He gets all happy and is all smiles while everyone cheers him on.
~ every time someone sings or he hears music, he starts to "dance" now. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.
~he says mama & mum (Bethany says he's British) , dada & baba. Not sure if he actually knows what he's saying... but he does sit at my feet and cry and whine "mum" when he wants me to pick him up.
~ he wants to eat anything and everything that I am eating or drinking
~ he LOVES to go shopping. He likes watching people and likes to pull clothes off hangers
~ when Aaron gets off work (he gets off 2 hours before I do), he goes to my parents house to pick up Connor. When he walks into their house, if he does ANYTHING before picking up Connor and saying hi, Connor will sit there and whine and cry and watch Aaron walk around the house, and eventually throw a fit until Aaron goes over to him.
~ he loves to watch Family Feud and Hannah Montana (the show or the movie, lol)
~ he LOVES taking baths. He would stay in the bath for hours if I didn't make him get out. He spashes like a crazy mad man too. I have to have towels everywhere!
Well, that's it for now. Connor's crying and I better go get him. Wish me luck! :-)

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